May 102024

In the last week of March, Governor Little signed a Bill to modernize and improve the Idaho Self-service Storage Facilities Act. Idaho has updated their Self-service storage Facilities Act with these changes effective July 1, 2024.

The summary of these changes are essentially to protect the Operator in the event of an unsigned Rental Agreement. The Statute now recognizes that if a Lessee “does not sign a Rental Agreement that the Operator has delivered to the Lessee, the Lessee’s continued use of the Leased Space for not less than Fourteen (14) days shall constitute an acceptance of the Rental Agreement with the same effect as if it had been signed by the Lessee.”

Further, there are some changes to more clearly define what happens to property left at the end of a term of a Rental Agreement not taken or collected by the Lessee.

Finally, there are a few changes to the wording of the Notice of Intent to Tow, which must be sent to a Lessee before disposing of a titled vehicle  in the event of a Default.

This is a summary of the changes to the Act. It is important that you work with your local attorney to understand all of the changes, how they will affect your operations, and whether or not you need to update your Rental Agreement to enjoy the benefits or comply with the changes to the Statute.

Congratulations to both the National Self Storage Association and the Idaho Self Storage Association for working diligently to bring such an important change to your state.

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